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Re: RE: Grose jets, commuting . . .

Subject: Re: RE: Grose jets, commuting . . .
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 93 04:20:54 pdt
> Date: Wed, 14 Jul 93 09:52:49 PDT
> From: "Daren Stone, D2 Mfg. Engr. C5/6, 5-9521" <>
> Subject: RE: Grose jets, commuting . . .
> To:, 72762.11@CompuServe.COM
>      -Two: Due to the Impending Move, Mr. Riley will soon
>      emerge from his automotive cocoon and he expressed
>      interest in attending a British car brown bag lunch.
>      I'd say lets shoot for Saturday or Sunday, July 31st or
>      Aug. 1st at a park convenient for all to attend.
>      Whaddya say - Roland, can you have that pesky gas tank
>      done by then ? 

God, I hope it's done by THEN!!  Either date sounds good to me.  Where's
a good spot.  Central Park in Santa Clara has plenty of parking and
several fast food places nearby but isn't that convenient freeway or
central location-wise.  I'm open to other suggestions.


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