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Re: reprints of posts in our local club rag.

Subject: Re: reprints of posts in our local club rag.
From: Garry Archer <>
Date: Thu, 10 Dec 1992 11:11:49 -0500
Just to add agreement to what others have posted:  When somebody has asked
for my permission to put one of my articles in their newsletter, that person
has always sent me a copy of the particular issue.  To me, its an honour to
be asked and a privilege to be published!

Seems standard, its a reasonable practice and everyone seems happy.

I suppose it depends much on the article.  Now if I wrote a copyrighted
article on my thesis for a new engine technology based on say, ceramic
engine parts and a ram-jet drive propulsion unit... then I would be
less inclined to allow that to be published by folks I do not know that
well -- and for virtually free, no less!  Those kind of articles are 
reserved for my friends at the Royal Society (ahem)!


Garry Archer Esq.
3M Health Information Systems,  Wallingford, Connecticut, U.S.A.

"An Englishman never enjoys himself, except for a noble purpose." - A.P.Herbert

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