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MGB diff. plug

Subject: MGB diff. plug
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 92 12:37:40 EST
|Date: 11-19-92  12:29am
|From: Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih
|  To: {}:INTERNET
|Subj: MGB diff. plug
   I found something that worked pretty well to remove the diff. filler
plug.  I had a big screwdriver that had the tip broken off.  I pushed it
in and it grabbed real well.  I put a pair of vise-grips around the
shank and it came right out.  I tried the same size screwdriver with a
good tip and it didn't go in far enough to grab.  So, now I have a good
diff filler plug remover.
    I was thinking of putting a bolt in there instead of the plug.
Would there be bad consequences as a result of this.


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