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A day in the life. .

Subject: A day in the life. .
From: T.J. Noto <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1992 08:51:57 -0800
Well after weeks of driving my (daily driver B!) with almost no clutch I finally
got around to rebuilding the master cylinder (easy). . but decided while I was
greasy and "sworking" to replace my heater core so that I might enjoy semi-
draught free and cozy motoring (awk!)  Lemme tell all you's. . .that job is 
a bitch!  I don't reccommend attempting it unless you have unlimited patience
and dedication. . MG may have changed the design on the later cars and I hope
that they did because the design of the heater box and related cables and hoses
is archaic at best. . in the end I got VERY lucky and had a control cable thread
itself (almost as if it had a mind of its own) Maybe the keepers of the sacred
octagon were smiling on me, in any event it is done and I once again have a 
heater!  I was able to pick up a good used heater core from O'connors for $40!
Interesting item to note:  While at O'connors yesterday, I saw what looked like
a "C GT"  although the Bonnet "lump" looked different-the guy had a blower on 
it!! It was a pretty clean job sucking through a single SU!  I think the blower
was made by a company called Retech?  Anyone ever seen ona these
TJ Noto                 66 MGB  69 Triumph TR6R      

The Wollongong Group    
1129 San Antonio Rd Palo Alto CA
415 962-7172
"Once again Yankee ingenuity Triumphs over British craftsmanship"

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