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Repost: returned mail

Subject: Repost: returned mail
From: jpe1@PL122f.EECS.Lehigh.EDU (John.)
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 92 09:25:44 -0500
Hmmm, this bounced for no good reason...
Let's try it again...

Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1992 04:18:33 -0500
From: MAILER-DAEMON (Mail Delivery Subsystem)
Subject: Returned mail: Cannot send message for 3 days
To: jpe1

  --- The transcript of the session follows ---
421 Deferred: A remote host did not respond within the 
timeout period. during user open with

  --- The unsent message follows ---
Received: by (AIX 3.2/UCB 5.64/4.03)
          id AA20719; Thu, 12 Nov 1992 14:22:30 -0500
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1992 14:22:30 -0500
From: jpe1
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Electric LBC

First off, I want to thank the literally dozen people who sent me mail with
advice regarding the Spitfire.  Wow, I'm really glad I subscribed to this
list!  There was a good consensus  from all those that wrote me (many of whom
also mailed the list with their advice) that $3700 was probably way too much, 
and there was good advice as to trouble spots to check carefully.  Thanks, all.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to see the Spit it last Sunday, and I will try 
again this weekend.

Now, my electric LBC idea...
I've been interested in electric cars for a few years now, and the recent 
discussion regarding the electric Midget, coupled with some excellent articles
in last month's IEEE Spectrum on state-of-the-art EV (electric vehicle) 
technology have put this idea in my head, and I want to know what others think.
I want to build a kit car (say a Lotus Super Seven) with an electric motor.
Any thoughts/recommendations as far as a good kit supplier?  I have some
good leads on electric motors and control electronics, but I can use more
info on that, too.


John Early,

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