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Re: Triumph Emissions tuning?

Subject: Re: Triumph Emissions tuning?
From: "Andrew C. Green" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 1992 14:17:22 CST
Bill Sohl ( writes:
> But not all catalyst equipped cars have air pumps...the TR-8 and TR-7
> with electronic fuel injection do NOT have air pumps.

The flip side is also true: not all air pump cars have catalysts, either.
I guess it's a matter of determining how the car was originally equipped
(regarding whether or not the catalytic converter required an air pump feed),
and perhaps checking also to see if it now carries a different type of cat:
one that requires an air pump feed.

Non-catalyst cars injected the air into the exhaust ports to promote clean
burning by supplying additional oxygen; this started several years before 
the converters were required.

-- Andy

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