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LBCs on TV

Subject: LBCs on TV
From: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Date: Wed, 11 Nov 92 20:29:56 -0600
Last night as I crashed from driving from Denver to St. Louis (in a 1969 G6+,
thereby proving my masculinity to all who cared to see) I plopped in
front of the TV and watched the old Patty Duke show on Nickelodean. You
remember, the one where the sassy American teenager has an identical cousin
from England move in?

In this episode, Patty had the hots for some teenage kid, as usual. The fun
part of this episode was that you NEVER saw the face of this boy. All you
saw was the bottom half of his body sticking out from under a TR4A. This was
sure a clean TR4A with wire wheels and - oops - of COURSE it was clean, it
was NEW!

Anyway, all this kid did was work under this TR4A. I thought that was the
fairest LBC depiction yet in the media...

I was a nervous wreck, though. The kid was under the front of the car, which
was being held up by a BUMPER JACK! I kept yelling "Hey kid! That's dangerous!
You could BEND that bumper!"

Gotta have your priorities straight here....

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