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Re: Diff. filling on '80 MGB

Subject: Re: Diff. filling on '80 MGB
From: (Roger Bolick)
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 92 09:11:22 CST
> 1)  What do I use to remove the fill plug on the differential...

I don't have an MGB, but this idea my help you or someone:

Many of the filler plug holes or heads are 1/4", 3/8", or
1/2" square...  so use your short socket extension turned
one way or the other.  When using it backwards, grab the
other end with a wrench.  Just keep everything short and 
straight, it works well.

TR6 rear brake adjustment is just a 1/4" socket extension
used backwards with an adjustable wrench on the other end.

This method gives a solid 4-sided grasp into the hole or
plug head.  I've had to file a few to square it up first (PO).

> 2)  How do I get 90W oil into the steering rack through ...

First you try the "fill your grease gun with oil trick", after
experiencing 1 quart of 90W dumped all over the engine and me,
I realized why they refer to this as a "trick"...

I bought a 4 oz. squirt oil can at Kmart, a 3/16" piece of
fuel tubing, removed the nipple and "screwed the rubber hose
into the fitting.  Plug the can output nipple into the other
end of the 3 foot hose and pump it in.  I found 4 oz. fills a
TR6 boot, though you have to stop after 2 oz. and "burp" the
boots (prepare for the 1/4 oz. of overflow at this point).
Watch the boots, don't blow them up!  It's nice to have the pump
can full of 90W for door hinges, etc.  This one has a flexible
output and cost $2.

The 3/16" fuel tubing was thick enough to thread into the fitting
and fit the nipple on the oil can, you may have to experiment here.

Check the boots first as any leak is a problem.  Once you fill this,
there is no need to check it again, unless you see leaks.  It likely
doesn't make any difference if its full either, just enough to keep
the assembly wet.  Grease though the nipple isn't going to lube the
ball joints at the end properly, though a mix of old grease and 90W
wouldn't hurt anything.


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