Looks like winter/the recession is putting lots of
New England LBCs up for grabs:
>From a local Want Advertiser clone:
JAGUAR ROADSTER XK 120. Sale $9895 or trade
for Harley Softtail. Call 508-372-4587.
>From the Boston Globe:
TRIUMPH, 1980 TR-7, stand., 52K mi, green, new
convert top & paint, mint, $5800/bo 617-721-9841
TRIUMPH 68 TR250. Complete, running car. 79K miles.
Needs restoration, $3950. 508-562-7355
JAGUAR XKE, 1969 2+2. 4 spd, air, b.r.g, runs & drives,
exc motor & gear box. $7500. 617-335-6955 or 617-331-4827
MGTD, 1953, rare MKII, very correct, nice cond., BRG,
green leath., 18797 mi., excel. run. cond. Ask. $12K,
PARTING OUT MGB, Reblt eng., many new parts. 508-428-6028
1977, MG Midget, British Racing Green, 44K, many new parts,
runs well. $2876. 508-394-5366
1958 MGA, Rblt eng., solid body, compl. $1700/bo
'61 MG Midget, Solid, rblt eng., $700/bo 617-965-1779
timd@ptltd.com (Tim Dziechowski - Phoenix Technologies - Cambridge, Mass.)
"If you won megabucks, how many stalls would _your_ new garage have?"