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Re: I can't believe I'm doing this...

To: (Larry E. Snyder 314-694-3626)
Subject: Re: I can't believe I'm doing this...
From: southern@neit.cgd.ucar.EDU (Lawrence Buja)
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 8:57:10 MST
Since it tangentially involves british-cars (larry snyder is taking
a big roadtrip in his GT-6) and winter IS coming, I thought I'd bounce
this to the whole list....

}Thanks. Believe it or not, it's snowing here in St. Louis today. No
}accumulation (yet) but it's cold and snowing quite a bit.

To get color GIF images of the current US weather/radar analysis:
     cd wx             (try /tmp/wx if that fails)
     get SAmmddhh.GIF  (mm=month=11 dd=day=05 
                        hh=hour(Greenwich)=16 for 9am Central time)
     get CVIS.GIF      (for the high resolution visible satellite photo)
     dir               (to get listing of all files)

The SA's (surface analysis) comes out at around 15 past the hour.  The
satellite images come out around 50 past the hour.  There's bunchs of
images there.  Enough time samples to make movie loops with, if you're so

(prefixes: SAmmddhh = surface analysis, 
           Ulmmddhh = upper air  l=level in 100 millibars.    
                      200 millibars is upper troposphere/lower stratosphere
                      1000 millibars is near sea level
           CImmddhh = low-res satellite IR photo (clouds)
           CVmmddhh = low-res satellite visible  (clouds).

}I'll have my down coat and a sleeping bag along with me, along with
}the usual emergency supplies. I'm also bringing tools and a bunch of
}parts for the GT6, like water pump, coil, master cylinders, and all
}ignition parts.

As well as the most important emergency tool, the VISA card...

/\      Lawrence Buja           Climate and Global Dynamics Division
  \_][  National Center for Atmospheric Research

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