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Win a Lotus Esprit Turbo

To: (SOL)
Subject: Win a Lotus Esprit Turbo
From: (T.J. Higgins)
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 92 10:52:24 CST
My wife and I rented the movie "Basic Instinct" this weekend (good 
flick!).  The female lead character, played by Sharon Stone, drives a 
Lotus Esprit Turbo.  In conjunction with the movie coming out on 
videocassette, a contest is being run in which the grand prize is a 
brand new Esprit Turbo (or $40,000, your choice).  There are several
other lesser prizes, which I won't detail here.  Anyway, to qualify
for a prize, you must answer the following 2 questions correctly:

1.  What is the murder weapon used in the movie?
        1)  gun
        2)  axe
        3)  ice pick

2.  In which country was the first Lotus car built?
        1)  Greenland
        2)  Mexico
        3)  Great Britain

For those who haven't seen the movie, the correct answer to question 
#1 is choice 3, ice pick.  I'm not positive, but I assume that choice
3 is also the correct answer to question #2.  To enter, call
1-900-896-1102 ($1.50 per minute), or send your name, address, and
answers to:
        6230A Wilshire Blvd  Box 180
        Los Angeles, CA  90048

WA and VT residents may omit postage.  The contest runs from Oct 10,
1992 to Apr 30, 1993, and is for U.S. residents only.  Void in MN and
GA.  For the official contest rules, send a self-addressed, stamped
envelope to:

        Official Rules/Winner's List
        6230A Wilshire Blvd  Box 180
        Los Angeles, CA  90048

Disclaimer:  I have no connection whatsoever with this contest, except
that I am planning on entering.

And now a question.  In the fine print, it states that the contest 
promoters may change to a different equivalent prize at their option. 
Lotus no longer offers the Elan here in the U.S., I think they dropped
it last spring.  What about the Esprit?  Is it still offered here?  
Or, when I win, are they going to jerk me around and make me take
Michael Douglas's Mustang convertible in place of the Lotus?  :-)
T.J. Higgins | | Intergraph Mapping | Huntsville, AL
"There are days when it takes all you've got just to keep up with the losers."
                                                                -- Robert Orben

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