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RE: TR-6 intake manifold

Subject: RE: TR-6 intake manifold
From: (Mark Steph)
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 92 19:07:07 CST
Mark deHaas writes:
> I think that heating pipe in the intake manifold aids in vaporizing
>the air/fuel mixture and also prevents carburetor icing.  If anyone has
>driven in a fog or rainy day with the ambient temp. hovering around
>freezing without a "heat riser" that moist air will freeze inside the
>carb until the engine reaches its proper operating temp.  Frozen carbs
>are no fun.  Especially if you are coming of an exit ramp and the
>throttle is frozen wide open!

Actually, carb ice can occur at *any* temperature.  All it takes is
a low spread between temperature and dew point.  The carb throat is
a venturi and there is a *significant* temperature drop due to
the pressure change.  (That's why carbureted airplanes have a carb. heat.)

Mark Steph                | Live for yourself--there's no one else    | More worth living for.
 (yes, .se *is* in Texas) | Begging hands and bleeding hearts
PO Box 833875, MS L-05    | Will only cry out for more
Richardson, TX 75083      |      -Neil Peart, "Anthem"

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