Some answers & a question too:
>Now a question:
> Where do the carpeting pieces covering the tranny and axle covers
> snap down? Onto the floor? Onto the covers themselves? And what
> do people use around the read brake cables to give some shape and
> substance to get a nice smooth curvy fit for the carpet?
I'm fitting new carpets to my 70 TR6 too. My $.02:
The front tranny cover (bell shape, made of cardboard, next to bulkhead)
has 2 studs on each side (4 total for you mathematically oriented) for
carpet to snap on. The rear tranny piece, which has a hole for the gear
shift, has no snap & is held down by that funky dash support. The
drive shaft/handbrake tunnel piece should have a handbrake cover sewn
in. The tunnel cover on my 6 has 2 studs versus 4 shown in TRF illustr.
I put padding (w/ a rect. hole cut-out for the handbrake) underneath as
I have done for almost all other carpet pieces to give it shape. The
padding I bought from local carpet store cost ~$12 versus ~$60 from TRF,
which of course is pre-cut.
>And another:
> Why is the parcel shelf carpet supposed to be glued down? To hell
> with that. Went to all the trouble to strip it down to metal and
> repaint and all, I'm gonna glue down as little as possible. Why not
> snap down this section like the rest of the big pieces? Can anyone
> think of a good reason why not?
If not glued down, it may move! I think friction or whatever contact it
has with other trim matericals may not hold it during sporty maneuvering
(sp. ck'ed) of vehicle ;-> IMHO, studs were installed on other pieces
to facilitate accessibility (for frequent repairs?). Nothing much was
meant to be accessed & fooled around with under said parcel shelf carpet,
therefore, no snap; just glue it!
My question: after installing carpet, I noticed some gunks at clutch m/c &
pedal. Didn't want leaky clutch m/c to ruin new carpet, I felt compelled
to rebuild m/c. Easy, 1 hr. job; done it before; used rebuild kit (rubber
rings); bled it good. After reassembly, I stepped on the clutch, the thing
just bottomed & did not return! Continued, frustrated pumping (of the
clutch) didn't change a thing. The slave cylinder did not even quiver.
What is wrong? Air introduced -- re-bleed? The old m/c is shot -- I
shouldn't f**l around thing that aint broke? $100 slipping out of my
pocket? Sorry for long posting. Help appreciated.
Fred Ki / Internet address:
Amdahl Corporation / Advanced Systems
46525 Landing Pkwy, M/S 580, Fremont, CA 94538
Phone: (510) 623-2348