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Re: cable ties & core plugs

Subject: Re: cable ties & core plugs
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 08:36:18 pdt
> Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 08:43:23 EDT
> From: (Scotty Paisley)
> To:
> Subject: cable ties & core plugs
> TR6).  I guess I'll just have to buy a snake so that I can have "real"
> boot clamps.  I'm sure my wife will understand this logic perfectly...
> "But honey, our car has chintzy boot clamps!  We have to buy *another*
> car!  Roland said so..."  :-) :-) :-)

You betcha.  I'll support you 1000%!  Do you have a strap on one side?
Another TR owner told me that one side on his car had a strap and the
other "wire" because of space limitations.  Maybe you're already
half way to s snake.

>  > Also, flush out the old coolant and put in new.  Apparently something
>  > in the coolant becomes corrosive after a while and eats up these plugs.
> I've heard this too.  In fact, I know of a story where the freeze
> plugs didn't work (don't we all?).  The block froze and cracked.  The

The reason I replaced the freeze plug on my van was because it was
leaking through a small hole in its center.  When I got the old plug out
I discovered that the inside had been "eaten away".  There really wasn't
much rust.  In fact the eaten area was even shiny.  I'm not sure
whether this was some kind of electrolytic reactions or corrosion from
acids (or perhaps alkalines) in the coolant.


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