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BP Gas

Subject: BP Gas
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 11:02:19 EDT
|Date: 9-25-92  11:01am
|From: Dean Zywicki:dcrt:nih
|  To: {}:INTERNET
|Subj: BP Gas
   I was was reading the comments about BP gas and was wondering:

   Has anyone in the Chicago area heard of this happening recently with
BP gas?  Especially around the weekend of August 23rd.  This is a VERY
serious question.  I'm sure anyone on the list from around chicago is
familiar with the Tammy Zywicki case that has been in the news recently.
She was my sister and before she dropped my little brother off at
Northwestern University, they filled up with BP gas and my brother said
that the car was having some problems with stalling.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
        Dean Zywicki

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