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Re: British Cars Digest #588 Thu Sep 24 01:15:02 MDT 1992

Subject: Re: British Cars Digest #588 Thu Sep 24 01:15:02 MDT 1992
From: "Eric Olson" <>
Date: 24 Sep 92 07:12:52 EST
> Date: Wed, 23 Sep 92 11:44:01 -0400
> From: William Hartwell Woodruff <>
> Subject: FBC advice
> ==Yeah... I should have thought of an engine swap.  Would a GT6 engine
> ==fit in my '80 Spitfire 1500?  Better yet, will a 3.5L Rover fit?
> ==Perhaps the infamous Mazda rotary?  Any recommended sources of info
> ==on engine swapping games?  Anyone out there actually done this?
>   Eric, you could ask me about swapping a GT6 engine into your spitfire.  
>This is
> not that uncommon, and the results (although I haven't driven one yet) are 
> impressive.  I'm in the process of doing it myself.


I've seen many a post from you about your Spitfire...  it's good to
not be alone!

How much do you think it'll cost to do a GT6 engine transplant?

I think I'd need:  GT6 engine & tranny, GT6 brakes, new motor mounts,
new radiator (I've got the slant radiator), GT6 bonnet.

Did I miss anything major?  Is there anything listed that's NOT
needed?  Oh yeah, and a car that fast should have a roll cage and
5-point harness :-)


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