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lost shirt

Subject: lost shirt
From: Dick Nyquist <>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 92 9:34:19 PDT
Well I too had a great day seeing everyone, and all the cars
at the PaloAlto All British Car Meet (a couple weeks ago).
Some good beer was consumed at my house the night before as 
well. I can add little to the rave reviews given here previously.

There is one thing though......  I bought some goodies from a 
booth that sold tee-shirts and key fobs. Two of the shirts I
bought were black with the word Triumph on the front (just right 
for working on cars.) When I got them out of the bag this week
end they now say "MG" .............   I will not relay all the 
details, but what I think happened was the sales person put some
one elses shirts in the bag  and gave my shirts to the other person.
It had to happen at that point because other thing that I purchased
in the same stall at the same time didn't get lost. 

So if you thought you bought "MG" shirts but they said "Triumph"
when you got home contact me. I've got yours and you've got mine. 


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