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removing an engine from an MGB '76

Subject: removing an engine from an MGB '76
From: (Dan Lambright)
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 92 12:17:46 -0700
I've been having trouble removing my MGB '76 engine/transmition.  
Maybe I'm going about it wrong.  I've got two chains wrapped around
the engine, which are connected to a hydrolic lift.   The four
bolts connecting the transmision are out, as are both 
engine mounts.  When I start to raise the engine, it goes up
about 4 inches, then something gets caught, near the back.  
I suppose, at this point, I should pull the engine forward to free
up the transmition so it can be raised as well.  But no go,
it won't move forward, no matter how hard I pull.  I stoped 
messing with it to get some advice before I break anything more!

Does this experience ring familiar with anyone out there?
What are the exact steps ?


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