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Re: LBCs on TV

Subject: Re: LBCs on TV
From: Roland Dudley <>
Date: Thu, 13 Aug 92 13:34:08 pdt
> Date: Thu, 13 Aug 1992 15:33 EDT
> From:
> Subject: LBCs on TV
> To:
> any RAP, Michael Jackson.....) but between videos there was a commercial
> for Chic (?) jeans.....young lovely tooling along in a RED MGA....passes
> beach....pulls into beach....hops out of car.....takes clothes off......

I've seen this commercial several times during the past few months.
Until the last time I saw it a couple of days ago I assumed that whoever
shot this film rented someone's concours MGA as a prop; but on closer
inspection it appeared to me that this MGA had a number of flaws in the
paint along the side of the car.  Wonder if it actually belonged to
someone connected to the making of the commercial?


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