Hi all,
I've been putting off for the LONGEST time a badly-needed carb rebuild.
I have all the bits 'n' pieces required, and access to a good parts washer
for degunking the nonreplaceable hardware, but I wanted some net.wisdom on
the carb body cleaning.
In the past, all I had to do to get the body/shell of any carb cleaned out
was to hand it to a mechanic friend at a G.M. dealership, who would return
it about two days later in staggeringly pristine condition, internal pas-
sages clean and dry, the works. Unfortunately said friend is no longer
available, I prefer to not spend money having some other outfit do what may
be a real no-brainer job, and I know that the parts washer cannot produce
the same results as I saw. Having said that, does anyone know what places
like G.M. are doing to clean it like that, and can I do similarly? They
referred to the process as "boiling it out"... was that literally??? On
the other hand, would I be all right with just the parts washer? I think
my worst problem with this carb is severe high-mileage internal gunkage,
that's all. Thanks in advance...
Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc. Internet: acg@dlogics.com
441 W. Huron UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL 60610 FAX: (312) 266-4473