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More British terms...

To: SOL <british-cars@hoosier>
Subject: More British terms...
From: (Berry Kercheval)
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 92 09:29:02 PDT
>>>>> On Sun, 2 Aug 92 11:11:05 PDT, ian@Centric.COM (Ian Macky) said:

Ian> Here's a good one from the rebuilding of the fuel pump:

Ian>     13. Stake the casing round each valve in six places with a
Ian>         suitable punch.

That's not a strictly British term (if you mean "stake"); it's a
common machinists expression.  (I *knew* that Physics 26 would come in
useful someday!)


(Physics 26 was a basic machinist course offered at my school, so that
budding physicists would be able to build or repair their
apparatus.  I used it to build a valve guide installation tool for
Rover 3-litre engines (6-cyl inline L-head))

Berry Kercheval :: :: Protocol Engines, Inc.  Mt. View, CA
"And there's more where that came from!"

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