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The "M" on the Spitwad bonnet latches

Subject: The "M" on the Spitwad bonnet latches
From: onstotc@xanth.CS.ORST.EDU (Onstott Curtis B)
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 92 0:28:32 PDT
I am pretty sure that Michelotti designed or was heavily involved in
designing the bodies for the Mark I, II and III spitfires.

Back in '86 I was busily rebuilding a 66 spit.  Since I was only fifteen I 
couldn't drive it anyway :(   I finally finished it when I was 18.  I finally
gave up on it after a wheel came loose on the freeway.   Bought 78 MGB- much
happier.  Had to sell MG to pay tuition -Curt very sad.  Buy junker Honda-
much smoking.  Now Curt Oogle other guy's british car until he
get out of college - much sadness.  

BTW- Does anybody have leads on an lbc that I could buy for under 500$ ?
I don't care if it is "corrosion ventilated" Or extemely ugly.  All I want 
is something with an engine that is servicable.  

|       Curt Onstott          |                                       |
| Oregon State University     |                                       |
|  | If you love something set it free.    |
|  | If it doesn't come back,   HUNT IT    |
|   | DOWN AND KILL IT!!!!                  |
| Ph.(503)  757-6639          |                                       |

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