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Re: Triumph TR4a Ad Spotted

Subject: Re: Triumph TR4a Ad Spotted
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 25 Jun 1992 9:36 EDT
>    I've always assumed that "IRS" stood for independant rear suspension.
>    Have I been laboring under a false impression?
>No, the IRS designation does mean that the TR4A has independent rear
>suspension.  Most TR4As did; I know that TR4s were solid-axle but I
>seem to recall that a very very few As also came with leaves.

Actually, I think there were quite a few TR-4A's that came with the
solid axel configuration.  Historically, most folks that did any
serious competitive driving found no advantage to the IRS setup
over the solid axle arrangement.

Apparently too, the dealers did not have any major demand for the
IRS which was an extra cost option.  Therefore, many of the "lot"
cars they ordered were solid axle to keep the sticker price

Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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