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re: MGB Clubs (or any club for that matter)

Subject: re: MGB Clubs (or any club for that matter)
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 17 Jun 1992 11:22 EDT
>Does anyone belong to the AMGBA or the NAMGBA?  If so, is there
>any difference between the two clubs and are they any good?

I receive a complimentary copy of the NAMGBA publication and it
is a very nicely done and informative periodical.  The last
copy of AMGBA I saw had much less content than the NAMGBA
newsletterr.  It is my understanding that NAMGBA was formed
because of a high degree of dissatisfaction with AMGBA and the
AMGBA leadership.  It is "alleged" that AMGBA is a profit
oriented enterprise.  NAMGBA states that they are strictly an
enthusiasts club and no individual is "profiting" from the club.

So, take your pick, but (my soapbox on) do pick one at least.
My periodic plea to any owner/enthusiast of a particular make
or model automobile is for that person to join the national club
for that make/model.  Additionally, I always encourage owners
to join at least one local club (if one exists) and give their
support to that club's local activities also.

Clubs provide many of the activities (shows, gatherings, meets, etc.)
that make owning our cars that much more enjoyable.  As such, the
clubs along with the parts suppliers and owners themselves are
what makes for a well rounded approach to owning and enjoying
any collector car.  (soapbox off)

Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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