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Trip to england

Subject: Trip to england
From: (Doug Braun ~)
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 13:25:08 -0700

Well, I'll be visiting Britain the first week of July, and
it might be nice to do and/or buy something related to
my '72 Spitfire.  There are a few things on my "parts to buy" list,
such as some carburettor linkage bits, and overdrive bits.

Does anyone have any recommendations for parts places, junkyards,
swap meets, etc. in southern England that are worth visiting?  I
will have a rental car, and my itinerary is flexible.  I'm
planning to be in London for a couple of days, and then maybe
cruise through Cornwall.

I already have some catalogs from places like Rimmer Bros.,
so I'm fairly familiar with what I could get mail-order, etc.
It's more the "E. 14th Street" types of places or
autojumbles that would be worth checking out, I guess.

Of course, recommendations of truly amazing places to
eat, drink, or sleep, are always welcome.

I remain, etc.,

 Doug Braun                         Intel Design Technology
                                    408 765-4279

 or maybe:

  / decwrl \
  | hplabs |
 -| oliveb |- !intelca!mipos3!cadev6!dbraun
  | amd    |
  \ qantel /

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