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SOL gif; Flag question??

Subject: SOL gif; Flag question??
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 1992 13:22:52 -0500 (CDT)
I downloaded the SOL logo gif file---looks great; I'd love to have it
emblazoned on a sticker/decal/condom/whatever. 

One question, though:  Is there a REALLY a top and bottom to the British 
flag?  I had never thought about until the recent discussion.  Looking at 
the gif, however, I couldn't say that it would be any different if the 
flag were spun 180 degrees about the center (staying in the plane of the 
screen).   As it was drawn, however, there would be a difference between 
left and right, but this would only make a difference in drawings and 
applications where there is no "back side"; i.e. for a two-sided flag you 
could be looking at either side.  Is this the difference?  (This probably 
makes little sense unless you are looking at the flag right now.)  

Anyway, I'm thinking of taking the design down to our local tattoo parlor.
;-)     (...but his hours are 9pm to 3am, weekends...)

Lee M. Daniels - Laboratory for Molecular Structure and Bonding - Texas A&M  |  DANIELS@TAMLMSB.BITNET  |  (409) 845-3726

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