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TR7/Stag valve seats

To: sol@hoosier
Subject: TR7/Stag valve seats
From: (Paul Amaranth)
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 92 11:00:02 EST
Among other cars, I have a '73 Triumph Stag with the engine apart.  This
car ran on leaded fuel, so I'm wondering what, if anything, I should do
about the exhaust valves and seats.  The reason there's some confusion,
is that they used the same part numbers for the exhaust valves and
seats on the TR7 engine which did use unleaded fuel.  This brings up a
couple of questions:
  1) Are these really the identical parts?  BL didn't change the
     physical composition and keep the same part number, did they?
     If they are the same, does that mean they put hardened seats on the
     Stag, or unhardened seats on the TR7?
  2) How do they hold up in the '7?  Anyone see any significant errosion?
I'd like to avoid replacing them, if possible. Anyone have any info?
Paul Amaranth  Manager User Services - office: (313) 370 4541 (also voicemail)
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