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Re: Ohio emissions law changes proposed

To: (Robert Jones)
Subject: Re: Ohio emissions law changes proposed
From: medtron!pwcs.StPaul.GOV!phile@uunet.UU.NET (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 92 12:10:24 CST
>Also, it is not clear whether they care if all of your emmissions stuff is
in place if your car passes the emmisions test.  How do these tests work
for those of you who already have to get inspected?

In Minnesota, they test all cars 1976 and newer in the Metro area counties,
which actually reaches a good bit out into the country.  Collector cars are
exempt.  You need the smag cert to get plates.  They tack $8 on to your
plates.  You drive to a state-contracted station, which is dedicated (there
are no repairs or tune-for-pay there).  They look under the car for the
cat with a mirror, and stick a probe in the tailpipe and test at idle.
They look to be sure the no-lead gass filler is OK.  If it is not, they make
you put in a new cat, even if it passes smog!

If you pass this test, you never go on the dyno and they don't open the hood.

I sure would not want to fail with a modified car, and have them look under the
hood, as you would have to undo all "tampering".

Login name: phile                       In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324

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