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550 mbg... User unknown: No such file or directory
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Received: by bottom.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (5.65/3.910213)
id AA12848; Mon, 2 Mar 92 19:35:35 -0500
Date: Mon, 2 Mar 92 19:35:33 EST
From: Usually Dazed <clane@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
To: mbg@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Help with 2 Spitfires for $1500
Message-Id: <CMM.>
Please respond with direct email
I have come across 2 Spitfires (a 66 and a 67) for $1500 dollars.
I need to know if this is a good price for the 2 (both for $1500), and if so
why and if not why?
SOME DETAILS...........:
-one has a restored engine with 10,000 miles on it
-one has a hardtop, tannaeu cover, and soft top (?) (the other has
just the soft top...or is this the tanneau cover?)
-one has 4 "REAL" wire wheels
I have only seen one and not very closely, and the other I have not seen, I
am going to try to schedule to see them one day this week. the one I saw has
some rust, I spoke to the seller and he said the frame on the other "has no
rust on it" and the body is in better condition. ANOTHER question is are
these 2 cars interchangeable?????? ARE THEY WORTH THE MONEY (as far as U can
tell by not seeing them), and what should I look for when I see them!!!!!!
PLEASE E-mail personally so not to waste others band like me!!
chuck lane