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Re: Engine paint & colours

To: (Scotty Paisley)
Subject: Re: Engine paint & colours
From: "DSTONE, 5-9521, BPR: 237-2322" <>
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 1991 15:22 PST
Scott Paisley writes:
>> Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!  My engine is due back from the machine shop
>> today or tomorrow!!!  And so, I would like to know what are the stock
>> engine colours for all the goodies on the block.  The block was glossy
>> black no?  And the oil filter cover was blue?  Valve cover, and air
>> cleaners are silver... Any other colours I should know about, or does
>> it sound like I got em right?  Any recommendations on a type/brand of
>> paint?  I'd hate to have a silver piston when the factory said it was
>> black.  :-)

And then Andy writes:
>At the risk of being accused of making fun, I'd say your name offers
>only one option for a paint scheme.


     And now Daren writes:
     Andy make funny. 
     I have a question tho, unless I missed a previous
     posting, or unless we're all supposed to be so familiar
     with Scott Paisley's car, I saw no mention of what type
     of engine he is even talking about. :-\

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