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Re: Gaskets, etc.

Subject: Re: Gaskets, etc.
From: (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 91 09:44:58 PDT
Hello Wayne!

> About gaskets:  Is it better to use the NOS stuff from Nissan, or 
> aftermarket?  I have the feeling that the old stuff gets kinda dry and 
> brittle after 20 years.  On the other hand, aftermarket stuff may be NOS
> as well.
> Having a gasket in hand, do you use gasket sealer of some sort?  If so,
> what?  I tried Permatex #2 on the thermostat housing (previous leak) but
> I'm not sure it helped any.

For problem coolant leaks, I have actually had very good luck with the 
Permatex "Form-a-gasket" stuff.  (There are 4 or 6 different kinds, I've
only used the blue stuff in the silver tube - I don't remember the particular
flavor ;-)  I even used it to seal up the heater in a hot tub (don't ask!)
that had been badly warped because it was left to freeze full of water 
through the winter - worked great!  That was a couple years ago, and if it
has been able to stand up to the heat and chlorine, I think it will work 
just as well on your water pump.  Oh - BTW the heater housing was alloy,
and the heater plate was steel.

   Pat Vilbrandt       John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.        Everett, Washington USA
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