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Re: Thinking ahead

To: Dale C. Cook <>
Subject: Re: Thinking ahead
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 91 13:14:23 PDT
>What say the sages of SOL?  Is it better to change oil/fluids
>at the end of the driving season or before starting off next

Try not to let a car sit for monthsandmonths with old goop in
it (he says, realizing the oil from the second weekend of
driver's school is still in the race car).  Long operation 
will cause nasty chemical by-products to accumulate in the
sump, and if these stay in contact with metal, gaskets etc.
it can speed deterioration of the engine.

>(No smart remarks from you Californina people who don't
>know what a season is!)

Of *course* we know what "season" means.  It's what we do to
the goat cheese we put on our pizzas.

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