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Re: Blowing Fuses

Subject: Re: Blowing Fuses
From: garnett@theory.TN.CORNELL.EDU (Roger Garnett)
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 1991 09:01:43 EST
} The gremlins have struck !!!!
} The circuits involved are :
} So just as an experiment, I shorted the fuse connections with
} a short piece of wire, and hey presto everything works (not a big

Danger Wlll Robinson!

THen you say:
} (The wiring harness is original, never been butchered - and
} this is the first electrical problem I have ever had)
And Then:  
} I have re-wried the whole car, making up my own harness as 
} I go along, the reason being that every circuit is independant, 
} each is fused (12 fuses), and each circuit has an dependant earth.
} I have also removed all useless wiring, eg seat belt warning,
} door open warning, etc etc

Is this the same car? If so, you've severly sontradicted yourself...

} If there is a short, how do I start trackit down, because
} the fuse blows, when none of the compnents on the curcuit
} are switched on ?
Divide and Conquer.  Get out your 12 V test light, and hook it up accross
the fuse terminals (no fuse or wire). If there is that good a short,
the fuse should light. Pull one wire at a time from the circuit. (At or
near the fuse box, if you can) When the light goes off, you have the devil. 
You can then proceed to check the individual circuits/devices run off
that wire.

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