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re: Boulder write up

To: mit-eddie!NSFNET-RELAY.AC.UK!,
Subject: re: Boulder write up
From: <sgi!!ames!gatech!akgua!akguc!dlp@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 90 21:44:47 EDT

Dan Philen here are akguc!dlp.  I haven't gotten any mail since
Labor Day.  We had a total system shut-down over the labor dayh week-end,
so could have that been a problem.  Please respond if you receive this
so I wiil know how to get my mail re-activated.  i.e. our own system or
something else.    

Thanks,  Dan L. Philem  akguc!dlp  2-mgs, 1-ah-3000, 1-rr-cloud III.

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