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Re: Palo Alto british car meet

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM,
Subject: Re: Palo Alto british car meet
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <mit-eddie!!twakeman@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 17:41:43 -0700
Please do not get me wrong.  If I thought the PA meet was a waste of time
I would not go. I have never missed a year since i first heard about it.
It just seems that some people get sensory overload by looking at cars &
others getboared with nothing to do but look at cars.  There are always a
large number of cars pulling out way before the meet is officially over.
Since the meet is only about 5 hours long, it seems that these early leavers
may be looking for something more {or are these the ones who are overloaded
and can not take it any more??}.  The Palo Alto meet is the best all
British meet we have in the area and is worth going to.  But if you compare
it against the Portland meet or an area meet like the Triumphfiest, there 
almost is no comparison.  What I am trying to say, is I think someone could
put on a much better event that has more things for more people {give them
a real case of burnout}. I think it would be neet if a number of local 
clubs could get together and do this. Palo Alto is good, but it could be
so much more.


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