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Re: Miq Millman

To: (Philip J Ethier)
Subject: Re: Miq Millman
From: mit-eddie!!sfisher@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 11 Sep 90 11:16:40 PDT
Phil asks:

>Has anyone heard from Miq Millman?  I hope all is well with the new

I spoke with him yesterday.  He apologized for missing the
Palo Alto meet, but he had brought Mari home from the hospital
at 11:00 that day, along with their new, 7 pound 8 oz, 19-1/2"
long baby boy.  (Trust a computer geek to remember the specs and
forget to ask his name... :-)

Mother and baby fine, father expected to survive.  The little
one, I understand, sleeps for eight hours in a row!  Unfortunately,
they're from 10 AM to 6 PM, and he wakes up every 90 minutes
through the night.

Obviously, they should have named him Lucas...

Scott Fisher

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