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B-C identifier patch, etal

To: british-cars@Alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: B-C identifier patch, etal
From: uunet!tc.fluke.COM!pwv@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Pat Vilbrandt)
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 90 17:06:49 PDT
Tom Boggiano asks:
> What happened to the patch/sticker/hat/shirt etc that has been
> talked about here for quite some time. I saw the color printouts
> and I think it is a go. Any news on what the final format will
> be, sticker/hat/shirt etc? 

(Since I am the one who sent the printouts, I felt I should reply.)

I have been basically sitting tight until I heard more from Ed Devinney
(THE creator of the SOL ID).  The last comment from Ed was that he might 
want to tweak on the design a bit more.  I would guess that he has been 
very busy of late, as he has been suspiciously quiet.  

So, Ed, what do you think??  Anybody home??  ;-)

   Pat Vilbrandt       John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.        Everett, Washington USA
UUCP: pwv@tc.fluke.COM  or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv
ARPA: fluke!pwv@uw-beaver.ARPA

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