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Re: Jag MK2.4

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM,
Subject: Re: Jag MK2.4
From: Teriann J. Wakeman <mit-eddie!!twakeman@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 90 13:23:08 -0700
Mike, my friend, be a dear & check the head of your new Jag to see if it is
not warped, cracked or loose before letting it out of the stable again.
If memory serves me, the head is real touchie on them things.

I am assuming of course that flushing the cooling system & checking the
thermostat is high on your list.  I'm glad that the rust is not as bad
as you originally indicated.  From what I remember about the Jag. You & wife
are going to have to hussle if she is going to enter it into concourse next
year at Portland.

Why do I have an image of a long dark chamber under the Jag's bonnet with
a long double row of mice tied to running wheels, and a cat at the front
beating a tempo on a drum?

Sincerely, good luck with your new cat & I do want to see it in Portland.


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