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Mysterious clunks (was Re: Brit Engineering)

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM,
Subject: Mysterious clunks (was Re: Brit Engineering)
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 90 17:07:13 pdt
>that Healey used for exhaust brackets?) when I removed them.  That was
>the source of a mysterious"clunk" that I had been unable to find- mounted 
>you couldn't tell they were shot.

>I feel better already.

>Mike Tobin

Gee, this sounds vaguely familiar.  A friend, who bought his his E-Type
new, used to fiddled with it himself a lot to improve things and to save
money because service was so expensive.  I remember him telling me about
how he tried to get rid of this mysterious clunking sound.  He went
through all of the shock mounts, etc.  tightening up loose nuts and
whatnot.  Finally he had to take it in to the dealer for some other
service.  When He got the car back he notice a charge for adjusting the
front suspension.  When he asked what that was all about the mechanic
told him that some twit had tighten up all of the shock mounting bolts
and that they had to be "readjusted".  I don't recall whether or not any
of this ever fixed his mysterious clunk though.


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