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Re: Brit Engineering

To: EDDIE.MIT.EDU!mit-eddie!! (Roland Dudley)
Subject: Re: Brit Engineering
From: mit-eddie!!tobin@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mike Tobin)
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 90 15:37:53 EDT
> From:  (Mike Tobin)
> >For simple things made hard though Jag always takes the cake.  For my
> >420 the instructions for removing the front timing cover read.
> >     1. Remove cylinder head,
> >             1.1.....n
> >     2. Remove sump (but first...) 
> >             2.1 Remove front suspension
> >                     2.1.....n
> >     3. Remove cover (a 2min job)
> >     4. The always enlighting "replacement is a reversal of the above
> >     proceedure".
> >
> >When I finished with 2. I discovered why the cams weren't turning (which
> >is why I wanted the cover off in the first place): the
> >chain tensioner was lying in the sump.
> But this make perfectly good engineering sense.  Obviously you had to remove
> the sump to fix the problem.  Those Jag designers knew what they were doing.
> Look at all the time you were saved trying to figure out where the hell the
> tensioner had got to.
> Roland
You're right.  Now that I think about it, when I was removing the front
suspension the rubber-in-steelplate sandwiches that Jag uses for
isolators at the front end fell apart (same stupid vulcanizing process
that Healey used for exhaust brackets?) when I removed them.  That was
the source of a mysterious"clunk" that I had been unable to find- mounted 
you couldn't tell they were shot.

I feel better already.

Mike Tobin

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