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Re: Serrengetti Vintage Races

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM, garnett@theory.TN.CORNELL.EDU
Subject: Re: Serrengetti Vintage Races
From: mit-eddie!!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 90 12:50:17 CDT
->With all this talk of upcoming Lime-Rock, I guess it's time to mention 
->the Serrengetti Vintage weekend at the Watkins Glen again, Sept. 7-9. 
->This year's feature is Can-Am, the line-up is looking good. It ought
->to be a real treat for the ears. (Bring earplugs if you don't like
->loud noises. :-) )

        Aside from Roger, is anyone else planning on going? I'm seriously
considering flying in for the weekend to work a corner, but might need a ride
from some more major airport than Ithaca.....



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