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Re: To VTR or not

To: "bcr!!walker"
Subject: Re: To VTR or not
From: mit-eddie!!taichi!whs70@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (W. H. Sohl)
Date: 23 Aug 1990 21:06 EDT
>What would it take to get a convention on the west coast?  I know that 
>several west coast Triumph clubs put on an annual "Triumphfest", this 
>year it is in Ventura (I think...).  I know that the VTR convention is 
>a bit larger, but I think some of the larger west coast clubs could easily 
>host one.  Are any SOL'ers who belong to west coast clubs willing to bring 
>it up at a meeting?
>   Darrell Walker       

I have included comments on this in a reply I have been drafting
to TeriAnn's posting of a few weeks ago on Why join (or renew)
membership in The Vintage Triumph Register (VTR).  Since Darrell
asked the question, I'll specifically address the convention
siting issue.  Briefly, there has never been a VTR convention in
California (or anywhere else on the west coast) because VTR has
yet to receive a formal request from one of its west coast
chapters to host a convention.  I, as president of VTR, have on
occasion fielded questions about hosting a convention by different
chapters on the west coast, but none of them has ever followed through
and formally asked to host a convention.  That, by the way, is not
a critisism, but simply a statement of fact.  

Bill Sohl, VTR President
uucp   bcr!taichi!whs70

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