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Quick note on VTR

To: sol@hoosier
Subject: Quick note on VTR
From: mit-eddie!!mjb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 90 17:26:03 -0600
I have been meaning to get around to making some sort of attempt to satisfy
Terriann's concerns about joining the Vintage Triumph Register.  I myself
don't have a long list of compelling arguments in favor of joining, and if
I do enumerate them most likely they would all fall under a pontifical sort
of "It's the Right Thing to do".

But seeing as how she has this list, the Triumph Travelers, and the Triumph
Register of America to keep her in contact with the world of Triumphs and
their owners, I could certainly see where the feeling that yet another TR
club might not be worth it.

For some, though, they probably have less contact with others, for instance
the fellow who called me this weekend.  He has a TR3, and lives about 80
miles east of here in a small farming town in the foothills of the Uintas.
I doubt he gets much local contact with other Triumph owners, people like
that NEED things like VTR.

Me?  I plan on staying in it for a few more years.  With some outside prodding
[You know you are] I may soon have a goal to pursue.  You see, now that I have
a trophy with Ken Richardson's name on it, perhaps it is only right that I dust
off my TR3 project and try to add my name to one of his trophies.
We shall see.


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