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CORSA's Ed Cole Award, VTR meet

To: autox@hoosier
Subject: CORSA's Ed Cole Award, VTR meet
From: mit-eddie!!mjb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 90 15:25:52 -0600
The Vintage Triumph Register has a similar award, known as the Durand Cup, or
the Challenge Cup, or the Ken Richardson award, or ??.  For those of you who
don't know, Ken Richardson is honored as the father of the TR series cars.
He worked on the design and raced a lot of Triumphs, to put it shortly.  The
cup is the trophy won by the Triumph factory team in the '61 LeMans event.
A nicely tarnished piece, if I may say so, which Ken donated to the VTR a few
years ago.

The award goes to the TR2/3 car which scores the most points in a moving event
and the concours according to some formula, where moving event > concours.
[So for now I'll have to be content with an autographed autocross trophy.]
Actually, if Ken Richardson is attending a convention he has the final say in
the selection.  This year's winner ran the autocross and did quite well.  It is
nice to see at least some folks who use their nice cars.  Some of the concours
types were pretty unhappy about just driving the three blocks from the motel
to the field!  There were lots of TRs with fatter tires (none like the rollers
on The White Car, maybe Kaptain Komrade will tell you about the lowriders who
passed us), TR6s with triple Webers whose owners talk about performance but
were nowhere to be seen at the track, and in general a growing attitude that
these Triumphs were just too valuable to be wasted by such a silly pastime
as driving them.  Sigh.


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