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kids and LBC two-seaters (Re: Trials of Love)

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: kids and LBC two-seaters (Re: Trials of Love)
From: mit-eddie!cgl.ucsf.EDU!gregoret@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 90 19:18:16 PDT
OK, I admit, I don't have any kids, but in the not too distant future,
we might and I've been thinking that it should be entirely possible to
securely bolt seatbelts to the back of the back "bench" on our MGB, and
then secure a child's car seat to them.  One could bolt them just
behind the battery cover, or on the vertical "back" of the bench.  It's
not like the child would need a heck of a lot of legroom.  And I think
kids like the feeling of going fast with the wind in their hair.  For
the first year, they're constantly being carried around by someone
because they aren't too mobile on their own.  It must be exciting to go
FAST for once.

What do y'all think?  I suppose you'll tell me that this idea is
entirely unsafe and that when I have kids, I will want to sell the MG
and get a four-door with a "baby on board" sticker.  Tell me it won't
be so!


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