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Neutral at stops

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Neutral at stops
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 12 Jun 90 17:05:41 pdt
From: Philip J Ethier

>I presume MGB throwouts are like Midgets'.  They are quite fragile.
>They are merely carbon rubbing devices without any roller bearing to
>them.  Never sit around with your foot on the clutch pedal and the
>engine running.  Put it in neutral at long stop lights.  I find that
>shifting to 2nd, then 1st, works fine to line up the non-syncro first
>so there is no real penalty for sitting in neutral a lot and saving
>the throwout.

Shifting to neutral at a stop is a good idea for any car with a manual
transmission.  Not only does it save wear and tear on clutch components
but it's just plain safer.  Several years ago an accountance of mine was
sitting in his Corvette at an intersection with his foot on the clutch
and the car in first gear waiting for the light to turn green.  He was
rear-ended by another car which resulted in him banging his head and
being knock unconscious.  Since his right foot was resting on the
accelerator at the time, the impact forced his foot down and he roared
through the intersection at full throttle and smashed into
another car.  He ended up in the hospital and his Corvette was totalled.

Roland Dudley

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