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Re: More on LBC on MT

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: More on LBC on MT
From: Roland Dudley <mit-eddie!!cobra@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 90 14:23:30 pdt

>Roland's discussion of this car started while I was
>in transit between Mountain View and Palo Alto, so to
>speak, so I missed the beginning.  However, even 
>though I'm no longer writing from abingdon, I still
>have my mania for MGs (not to mention a pair of Bs).
>I presume this is an open car?  

Yes.  A 2-seater.  I posted more of a description to the b-c list.  I
can send you a copy if you missed it.

>Where did you see the vehicle, and would you be 
>willing to play the tape for a Bay Area enthusiast,
>Roland?  I've got enough books to be able to figure
>out what it is.  It's sounding more like an N-series
>Magnette than a prewar Midget, because of the folding
>screen and hinged boot -- the YA Tourer of the early
>Fifties had a boot like you describe, but a fixed

Since the story takes place in 1938, I think the car must be prewar.
Plus just the look of it is mid 30s.  Perhaps Roger Garnett's idea about
it being a customized version is correct.

>Between the pair of us, we should be able to solve
>this mystery!

Oooopsss!  This morning I was scrounging for a tape to record the World
Cup (it comes on locally at the uncivilized time of 8 AM).  Since this
tape was already in the machine, rewound and ready to go...

Fortunately all is not lost.  First of all, only the first two (perhaps
one in some areas) episodes have been broadcast so there are four more
to go.  I believe PBS generally feeds the same programming to all of
it's affiliates each week so the rest of these parts are yet to be
shown just about everywhere.  Second, local stations usually rebroadcast
them later in the week.  I believe the San Francisco station (KQED, ch
9) rebroadcasts Masterpiece Theatre on Sunday afternoons at 1 PM or
thereabouts.  Of course their auction is going on this week so this may
be postponed for another week.  I have a vague recollection of a
rebroadcast time being announced but I don't remember the details.  And
for those in the south bay area, there's KETH (ch 54).  I'm not sure
when they normally broadcast MT.  And then there's also channel 32
(KQED's sister station in SF) and channel 60 (San Mateo?).  If the the
program is rebroadcast this Sunday, I plan to re-tape it.  The quality
of the recording I made originally wasn't all that hot anyway.  Also
there was a program afterwards discussing the series.  Unfortunately I
didn't get enough of it to find out if the cars in the story were

Roland Dudley

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