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Spitfire Front Trunion

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Spitfire Front Trunion
From: mit-eddie!EBay.Sun.COM!mutchler@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Dan Mutchler)
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 90 11:36:49 PDT
According to the manual, I am only supposed to put 90W gearbox
oil in the lower trunion on the Spitfire. Unfortunately I didn't
read this until I had thoroughly lubricated it with grease after
I replaced it. Guess I should read the instructions thoroughly first,
but this is the only grease insert on the whole car that doesn't
take grease.

Do I have a problem to solve now? Should I pull this back apart right
now, clean it, and use the other lubricant or is this simply a
recommendation to keep the steering from being stiff on cold mornings?
It is much easier to do now since the car is still on jacks.

Thanks for any help.

Dan Mutchler                       | ARPA/Internet:  mutchler@EBay.Sun.COM
Sun Federal System Engineer        | UUCP:           ...!sun!mutchler
Did I do anything wrong today, or has the world always been like this
and I've been too wrapped up in myself to notice? - Arthur Dent

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