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To: mit-eddie!uunet.UU.NET!lectroid!british-cars-local@EDDIE.MIT.EDU,
Subject: Numbers
From: linus!xait!harvard!!att!speedy!gerry@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 90 12:19:54 -0500
For all those that drive Sprigets, you know how frustrating it
is to a silly 6-7 gallon fuel tank. With mine I am lucky if I can
get more than 180 miles before having to fill up again. So this weekend
I decided to investigate if a large fuel tank can be fitted. 

Having looked at the existing tank, I think that I may be able to 
cut the existing tank in half (horizontally) and add a say 3" "band", 
so that the tank is now 3" taller, thereby adding an extra few gallons.

The stock exhauist system should not interfere with modifications, and 
having taken some measurements I don't think that the tank bottom will
be dangerously low, so that it may hit something. It will stil be quite
a bit higher than the differential.

                         Fuel tank viewed 
                        from behind the car

       Original                             Modified
   ------------------                  ------------------
   |                |                  |                |
   |  < cut here >  |                  |----------------|
   |                |                  | 3" band added  |
   ------------------                  |----------------|
                                       |                |

My question is, has anybody tried this modification or can see any obvious 
flaws with it ?? Otherwise what do other Spridget owners do to increase
their fuel range ??

BTW - I don't really care that the fuel guage will be inaccurate


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  • Numbers, linus!xait!harvard!!att!speedy!gerry <=
    • Numbers, linus!xait!harvard!!att!speedy!gerry
    • Numbers, linus!xait!harvard!!att!speedy!gerry
    • Numbers, Tim Villanueva