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Re: MG gearbox conversion and speedo

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: MG gearbox conversion and speedo
From: uunet!hcxio!andyh@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Andy Haber)
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 90 21:49:24 EST
> Regarding the 70 transmission in the 66 MGB, I forgot to mention, the
> speedometer doesn't work any more since the change -- it reads 75 at 55.
> (but the odometer does when it didn't before!)   Does anyone know if
> the speedometer can be calibrated or does it all depend on the
> speedometer gear in the transmission?   There are two screws on the
> back of the speedometer housing, but they might be for just taking the
> thing apart.  
> Lydia
I'm not sure it's possible to re-calibrate a speedometer.  I've never
taken one apart, but I beleive there is some arrangement involving a
spinning magnet.  The reading is a function of how fast the magnet
spins.  There is also a return spring that brings the needle back
to zero when you stop.  Maybe that could be "adjusted" if your real
carefull about it.
My 69 MGB reads about 65 at 60.  One review I read in some
book or other called MG speedometers "scandalously inacurate". :-O> 

Andy Haber    (
Harris Computer Systems Division, Ft Lauderdale, FL       

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